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Dear Friends,
This past year has found me all over the map. I attended the SE NORML Conference on March 3rd in Atlanta, GA I represented the party in Hartford, CT at the 2nd Annual HempCT Hemp Awareness event on May 3rd. True to form I did my yearly duties on the Fourth of July in Washington, DC at the 45th Annual Smoke-In at the White House speaking and as Grand Marshal for the Cannabis March from the White House to 23rd & Constitution. This past September in Portland, OR I attended an organizational meeting for their Hempstalk plus went to a fundraiser for Oregon's Initiative 91. My last foray out of state was helping to organize the first ever Jazz Funeral for Marijuana Prohibition on October 3rd in New Orleans, LA.
In my home state of Colorado I have kept abreast with all that is cannabis. Attended a few city council meets. Sat in on State Legislature hearings. Attended the High Times Cannabis Cup in Denver during 4/20 week. Did two head shop conventions and two cannabis trade shows.
All this fits into my philosophy of, "I show up, I do the work, and I hope and pray for positive results."
So as we wrap up 2014 I impart on you. Show up, do the work, hope and pray for positive results in 2015. It has worked for me and it can work for you and your desire to see the repeal/reform of the cannabis laws wherever you live. Write letters to the editor, email your government officials, comment on social media sites, donate $ if you can, volunteer with whatever cannabis law reform organizations are in your area. Get to know your representatives on all government levels, be creative but most of all be positive. You can be the change.
Have a safe Holiday Season. Wishing you and your's a prosperous New Year. 2015 is going to be the teetering point in cannabis' favor. Like Hunter S. Thompson quipped, "Buy the ticket, take the ride." The cannabis dominoes are tumbling and tumbling fast.
Peace, Pot, Politics
Wayward Bill Chengelis
Chairman, US Marijuana Party
Chairman, US Marijuana Party of Colorado
Board Member, Louisiana Cannabis Coalition
Co-Organizer Denver 420 Rally
This past year has found me all over the map. I attended the SE NORML Conference on March 3rd in Atlanta, GA I represented the party in Hartford, CT at the 2nd Annual HempCT Hemp Awareness event on May 3rd. True to form I did my yearly duties on the Fourth of July in Washington, DC at the 45th Annual Smoke-In at the White House speaking and as Grand Marshal for the Cannabis March from the White House to 23rd & Constitution. This past September in Portland, OR I attended an organizational meeting for their Hempstalk plus went to a fundraiser for Oregon's Initiative 91. My last foray out of state was helping to organize the first ever Jazz Funeral for Marijuana Prohibition on October 3rd in New Orleans, LA.
In my home state of Colorado I have kept abreast with all that is cannabis. Attended a few city council meets. Sat in on State Legislature hearings. Attended the High Times Cannabis Cup in Denver during 4/20 week. Did two head shop conventions and two cannabis trade shows.
All this fits into my philosophy of, "I show up, I do the work, and I hope and pray for positive results."
So as we wrap up 2014 I impart on you. Show up, do the work, hope and pray for positive results in 2015. It has worked for me and it can work for you and your desire to see the repeal/reform of the cannabis laws wherever you live. Write letters to the editor, email your government officials, comment on social media sites, donate $ if you can, volunteer with whatever cannabis law reform organizations are in your area. Get to know your representatives on all government levels, be creative but most of all be positive. You can be the change.
Have a safe Holiday Season. Wishing you and your's a prosperous New Year. 2015 is going to be the teetering point in cannabis' favor. Like Hunter S. Thompson quipped, "Buy the ticket, take the ride." The cannabis dominoes are tumbling and tumbling fast.
Peace, Pot, Politics
Wayward Bill Chengelis
Chairman, US Marijuana Party
Chairman, US Marijuana Party of Colorado
Board Member, Louisiana Cannabis Coalition
Co-Organizer Denver 420 Rally

Contrary to the lies of the Government and Propagandized Media, Medical marijuana is NOT a ruse.
When the Dept of HHS holds a Patent and lies about Marijuana to keep it from sick people, then maybe that's when people might begin to realize we don't have a Government for US, we have one for Big Pharma.
When the Dept of HHS holds a Patent and lies about Marijuana to keep it from sick people, then maybe that's when people might begin to realize we don't have a Government for US, we have one for Big Pharma.

Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention. A particular disclosed class of cannabinoids useful as neuroprotective antioxidants is formula (I) wherein the R group is independently selected from the group consisting of H, CH3, and COCH3.

“It’s the first time in decades that the federal government has curtailed its oppressive prohibition of marijuana,"

Death By Malfeasance
The Gross Negligence of the U.S. Government
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke
The Gross Negligence of the U.S. Government
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke

The United States' denial of the medical and industrial uses of cannabis and the death and suffering it's causing.

Death By Malfeasance
The Gross Negligence of the U.S. Government
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke
The Gross Negligence of the U.S. Government
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke
Wake Up and Smell the Hypocrisy
lf of the 2014 school year due to some writings discovered inside her personal journal. Now despite the cannabis related topics that were the catalyst of the suspension, the fact that her personal journal was open to reproach by the school district should not sit well with those aware of American’s slowly diminishing first amendment rights. Even though she is a child, there must be some justified reason or concern to breach ones personal information, minor or not. This was not the case.
Krystal had left her journal at school by accident and had thought it lost. It was discovered by school officials who then made the unilateral decision to investigate the personal contents within. This is where multiple accounts of marijuana use and discussion where found. Krystal was originally placed on a 10 day suspension and later told that she was out for the rest of the year. Until now, she had been a model student and never found herself in any trouble. Due to this suspension her grades plummeted and she lost out on credits needed for graduation. Krystal’s father, Tom Grayhorse, was understandably outraged. Later that outrage turned into hostility when he discovered that her disciplinary papers indicated that she had been suspended for "possession of a controlled substance," even though she was guilty of nothing more than expressing her written interest in one of the largest political topics of today.
The high school has never allowed Grayhorse to read the contents of his own daughter's notebook. That alone should awaken suspicion of this delicate and poorly handled fiasco without the misrepresented disciplinary papers claiming possession of a substance that was non existent. The long term effects of actual possession charges versus a simple journalistic endeavor cannot be overstated. These overzealous claims could be extremely detrimental to Krystal’s college and adult future. Grayhorse believes that whatever is scribbled on those pages is nothing more than the mind of a creative teenager at work. "She does write fiction stories. She likes to write," he said. "It could have been part of a story."
The American people have recently had their eyes opened as age old lies are being uncovered. Americans find themselves in a time where those they once sought protection from are being revealed as those who have deceived. It is unsettling to say the least. Marijuana is being proven by multiple reputable institutions to be less harmful for the human body than caffeine and in many cases beneficial. With that being said, the actions taken at this school strike many as downright ridiculous.
Your average high school has a policy of a three day suspension for anyone involved in an on-campus fight. A child who makes the conscious decision to strike another student is sent home for three days. Krystal was sent home for the rest of the year, for writing in her journal. This could be out of fear of the unknown, personal bias or simple ignorance. No matter what the logic behind this absurd activity, irrational action toward cannabis at this point in the game can no longer be tolerated. Is this administrative policy, or one school’s personal, archaic and backwater vendetta for a substance that will be soon be seen for what it truly is: The Cure.
Ryan Cristian
October 10, 2014
Wake Up and Smell the Hypocrisy
lf of the 2014 school year due to some writings discovered inside her personal journal. Now despite the cannabis related topics that were the catalyst of the suspension, the fact that her personal journal was open to reproach by the school district should not sit well with those aware of American’s slowly diminishing first amendment rights. Even though she is a child, there must be some justified reason or concern to breach ones personal information, minor or not. This was not the case.
Krystal had left her journal at school by accident and had thought it lost. It was discovered by school officials who then made the unilateral decision to investigate the personal contents within. This is where multiple accounts of marijuana use and discussion where found. Krystal was originally placed on a 10 day suspension and later told that she was out for the rest of the year. Until now, she had been a model student and never found herself in any trouble. Due to this suspension her grades plummeted and she lost out on credits needed for graduation. Krystal’s father, Tom Grayhorse, was understandably outraged. Later that outrage turned into hostility when he discovered that her disciplinary papers indicated that she had been suspended for "possession of a controlled substance," even though she was guilty of nothing more than expressing her written interest in one of the largest political topics of today.
The high school has never allowed Grayhorse to read the contents of his own daughter's notebook. That alone should awaken suspicion of this delicate and poorly handled fiasco without the misrepresented disciplinary papers claiming possession of a substance that was non existent. The long term effects of actual possession charges versus a simple journalistic endeavor cannot be overstated. These overzealous claims could be extremely detrimental to Krystal’s college and adult future. Grayhorse believes that whatever is scribbled on those pages is nothing more than the mind of a creative teenager at work. "She does write fiction stories. She likes to write," he said. "It could have been part of a story."
The American people have recently had their eyes opened as age old lies are being uncovered. Americans find themselves in a time where those they once sought protection from are being revealed as those who have deceived. It is unsettling to say the least. Marijuana is being proven by multiple reputable institutions to be less harmful for the human body than caffeine and in many cases beneficial. With that being said, the actions taken at this school strike many as downright ridiculous.
Your average high school has a policy of a three day suspension for anyone involved in an on-campus fight. A child who makes the conscious decision to strike another student is sent home for three days. Krystal was sent home for the rest of the year, for writing in her journal. This could be out of fear of the unknown, personal bias or simple ignorance. No matter what the logic behind this absurd activity, irrational action toward cannabis at this point in the game can no longer be tolerated. Is this administrative policy, or one school’s personal, archaic and backwater vendetta for a substance that will be soon be seen for what it truly is: The Cure.
Ryan Cristian
October 10, 2014

Health Impact News Editor Comments:
The proper headline for this story should be that the medical system is now the #1 cause of death, killing more Americans than any single disease. The reason I say that is because this report only covers medical errors.
So in other words, if you die from a medicine, vaccine, or hospital procedure that was done correctly as prescribed, that doesn’t count. A JAMA report in 1998 found that adverse reactions for properly prescribed drugs accounted for 106,000 deaths a year, and I am sure that number is much much higher 15 years later.
The cure is worse than the disease: The medical system is the #1 cause of death in America today.
The proper headline for this story should be that the medical system is now the #1 cause of death, killing more Americans than any single disease. The reason I say that is because this report only covers medical errors.
So in other words, if you die from a medicine, vaccine, or hospital procedure that was done correctly as prescribed, that doesn’t count. A JAMA report in 1998 found that adverse reactions for properly prescribed drugs accounted for 106,000 deaths a year, and I am sure that number is much much higher 15 years later.
The cure is worse than the disease: The medical system is the #1 cause of death in America today.

A new study says that the number of deaths from medical errors may be much higher than what is being reported. This study estimates that between 210,000 and