U.S. Marijuana Party
"Overgrowing the Government"
Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself
Tom Johnson U.S. Marijuana Party of Pennsylvania Lancaster, PA · Penalties against possession of a drug should not be...
Southern Oregon medical marijuana growers fear industrial hemp could ruin their crops
Southern Oregon marijuana growers want to ban industrial hemp production from the region out of fear that hemp may...
Clinical trials high on list for medical marijuana community
17 February 2015 Rebecca Trager The medical marijuana movement is asking the scientific community to make examining the therapeutic...
Medical marijuana bill likely dead, Stumbo says
Gregory A. Hall, [email protected] 2:48 p.m. EST February 12, 2015 FRANKFORT, Ky. – House Speaker Greg Stumbo’s...
Chemtrail Source Material Finally Unveiled
For the last two decades the source material for chemtrails has been a mystery. Finally, the apparent ‘perfect’ element...
Whistleblower: AG nominee in $1 billion Obama cover-up
Originally posted on Random Candidate:“New revelations are emerging that could implicate Loretta Lynch, President Obama’s attorney general nominee, in the world’s largest...
Obama Drones killed more than Spanish Inquisition
Originally posted on tomfernandez28's Blog:Published on Feb 9, 2015 The statistics are now in. Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama...
The Homeland Security Department has set up hotlines for illegal immigrants who believe their rights under President Obama’s amnesty policy have been violated.
Originally posted on Eatgrueldog:“In a memo announcing the customer complaint line, U.S. Customs and Border Protection asked illegal immigrants to...
Originally posted on Kindred Words:I’ve got this thing, attached to the feathers of my tattered, right wing; it’s tickling and...
Mexican judge orders release of cartel ‘Queen of the Pacific’
Published February 08, 2015 Associated Press MEXICO CITY – A Mexican federal judge threw out a five-year, money-laundering sentence...
The U.S. Marijuana Party
The United States Marijuana Party - is a motivated group of Americans who are tired of living in fear of their government because of marijuana prohibition. We are fed up with the intrusion into our personal lives, with urine testing at work and at school, with armed home invasions, and with the possibility of prison because of a plant.
WE are Americans and WE do not want or need "drug testing"!
WE feel it is time for the 20 million plus Americans who smoke marijuana on a regular basis to stop hiding their love for this plant and unite as one large body of voters to demand an end to the "unconstitutional prohibition of marijuana and the drug war".
The War on Drugs causes more harm than the drugs themselves ever will.
United WE are a potential 20 million vote or more political machine. WE want to live free and WE must be determined to stand up, be counted, demonstrate, rally, and write.
Waiting for the government to silence us all in the American prison system is not an option! Too many of our brethren are there, in prison right now.
More Americans are in jail today for marijuana offenses than at any previous time in American history. The war against marijuana is a genocidal war waged against us by a government determined to eradicate our plant, our culture, our freedom and our political rights.
Mission Statement
"WE seeks to remove all penalties for adults 18 and over who choose to consume cannabis in a responsible manner."
"We demand an end to the war on productive and otherwise law abiding citizens by the powers that be who claim to protect us."
"We demand the right to use any medication our healthcare providers and we deem fit without government interference."
We demand the release of all people imprisoned on marijuana charges and that their criminal records be expunged.
We demand that all property seized in marijuana raids be returned to the rightful owners at once.
We demand that our law enforcement officers make more efficient use of our tax dollars and use the resources they have at their disposal to go after violent criminals and crimes that actually have victims.
We demand the right to grow marijuana for personal consumption, just as alcohol can be brewed at home legally and so long that it is not sold it should therefore remain untaxed.
We demand that you stop treating us like second class citizens for consuming something that is less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco, both of which are legal and cause numerous deaths each year. Cannabis has never caused one.
What Does The U.S. Marijuana Party Do?
The United States Marijuana Party is here to help citizens take control of our out-of-control government and to return the power to the people as it should be.
"We are Constitutionalists"!
WE are patriotic citizens who firmly believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
WE organize Marijuana Parties in states across the U.S.
WE are striving hard to have all 50 states represented by Nov. 2016
WE show up at, and hold protest and rallies in our communities.
WE write letters to the media, and our elected officials.
WE plan to run candidates on the Marijuana Party ticket in local, state, and national elections, and to debate this issue whenever and wherever the opportunity arises!
If you do not have a chapter of the US Marijuana Party in your area START ONE NOW!
How Can I Help The U.S. Marijuana Party?
The U.S Marijuana Party operates solely from donations made by concerned citizens and from volunteer work.
Each State is responsible for their own operating income and costs and operate independently as well as jointly with other active State's.
Other ways you can help out. Start or support the U.S. Marijuana Party in your State.
Show up at or hold pro-cannabis events in your area.
Write letter to the editors of newspapers, and your elected officials calling for an end to cannabis prohibition and the drug war.
Another thing that anyone can do is simply to talk about the issue with friends, relatives and co-workers at every given opportunity.
The more we push this controversial topic into the spotlight to be discussed, the sooner the night-mare of prohibition will come to an end.
It's NOT what others do, but what YOU DO!