U.S. Marijuana Party

"Overgrowing the Government" U.S. Marijuana Party

The U.S. Marijuana Party - What Does The U.S. Marijuana Party Do?

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What Does The U.S. Marijuana Party Do?

The United States Marijuana Party is here to help citizens take control of our out-of-control government and to return the power to the people as it should be.

"We are Constitutionalists"!

WE are patriotic citizens who firmly believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

WE organize Marijuana Parties in states across the U.S.

WE are striving hard to have all 50 states represented by Nov. 2016

WE show up at, and hold protest and rallies in our communities.

WE write letters to the media, and our elected officials.

WE plan to run candidates on the Marijuana Party ticket in local, state, and national elections, and to debate this issue whenever and wherever the opportunity arises!

If you do not have a chapter of the US Marijuana Party in your area START ONE NOW!  

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